September 14 is World Taste & Smell Day:

Stephanie Feuer
4 min readSep 12, 2023

Global Events and Activities to Celebrate the Power of Taste and Smell

September 14 is World Taste & Smell Day, a day dedicated to the appreciation of the profound impact that our often-neglected senses of taste and smell wield in our daily lives. From scent workshops to educational events, to an art installation, a children’s storytime, to resources tailored for individuals with chemosensory challenges, the offerings for #TasteandSmellDay 2023 are as diverse as the world they embrace.

“Smell and taste are fundamental to understanding the world around us, but our research consistently indicates these senses are undervalued,” shares Rachel Herz, Ph.D., Neuroscientist, and professor at Brown University, and an advisor to the World Taste and Smell Association.

Stephanie Feuer, Association co-founder, who suffers from smell loss, adds, “Millions of people are still suffering from Covid-associated smell and taste loss. To understand how devasting this can be, it is important to understand how crucial these senses are to well-being and enjoyment. We hope Taste & Smell Day illustrates this.”

Here’s the roster of events and activities for World Taste & Smell Day, September 14:

Full descriptions and additions can be found here.


Smell & Tell Olfactory Art
Meet the multimedia artist and inventor of the Adnose, a nose-shaped device, which uses Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence to predict smells. Olfactory Art Keller, 25 Henry Street

Awaken Your Senses at Osswald

Explore a curated collection of exquisite fragrances at Osswald NYC, 242 Mulberry Street


Create a Custom Fragrance with Olfactory NYC
Explore the world of scent and create your own fragrance at Olfactory NYC, Brooklyn Scent Studio, 101 North 10th Street


The Power of Scent with ScentFluence

Celebrate the power of scent with Scent Studio, 22 Harwood Court, for an ambient scent library tour.


Children’s Storytime with Alexis Wintrob Delight the little ones with an interactive storytime with the author of Za Za’s Scent-Sational Super Power and Za Za Spreads Sweetness on Saturday, September 9 at Bookery Cincy, 3704 Eastern Avenue


Toast with a Pale Shadow at Castalia Cocktails
Experience the magnitude of scent loss, with the Pale Shadow, a smooth and balanced cocktail that has no aroma at Castalia Cocktails + Sfumato Fragrances, 3980 2nd Avenue


Light Up Your Senses with Limited Edition Candles from Noteology

Three limited-edition candles that evoke the senses in the world of gourmands are featured at Noteology, 537 Wyoming Avenue


Free Olfactory Assessments
Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University, No 157, Xi-wu Rd, Xin-cheng Xi’an will offer olfactory assessments at their clinic.


AVM Curiosities’ Scent Chambers at Rochester Castle

Get a whiff of medieval life and explore scent chambers in The Food and Arms Store, The Chapel and The Cess Pit — each offering an aromatic insight into history at Rochester Castle, Rochester, England

Online Events and Activities:

What is Olfactory Art?

Noted Japanese artist Maki Ueda will explore the range of olfactory art and share the background of some of her works. Via Zoom

The British Society of Perfumers and the British Society of Flavourists present Eating Perfume & Smelling Colour: A brief history of scented banquets and olfactory synaesthesia with Caro Verbeek. Ticketed event via Zoom

Learn about Taste & Smell with the Monell Chemical Senses Center
Hear the experts share some little-known secrets of smell and taste, including a Q & A. during an Instagram Live with Monell Center sensory scientist M. Hakan Ozdener, MD, PhD. Live at noon on

The Global Consortium of Chemosensory Researchers present a webinar on the latest chemosensory research Via Zoom with advance registration


Explore how smell and memories interact in a special online presentation featuring artists, perfumers, and scholars from the Kunstlicht journal’s Nostalgia issue. Advance registration via Zoom.

Insights into Parosmia with AbScent
Chrissi Kelly, founder of patient support group, AbScent, will present a special video about eating while parosmic, to be available on and

Internet of Senses Institute Podcast: Taste, Smell and Wellbeing

Podcast featuring Sofia Collette Ehrich of Odeuropa and Dr. Rachel Herz, available on your favorite podcast outlet on 9/14

Online: Explore Taste and Smell, a series of informational activities from the World Taste & Smell Association, for #TasteandSmellDay and any day.

The World Taste and Smell Association event series will continue on October 19 with a special presentation, “When the Flavor Fades: Culinary Professionals on Smell and Taste Loss.


Millions of people suffer from taste and smell impairments around the world. The COVID-19 pandemic drew attention to these disorders. While smell or taste loss associated with the virus has resolved for most people, at least 27 million people worldwide still grapple with this chemosensory loss. This is in addition to the estimated 5% of the population already suffering from smell dysfunctions caused by factors such as brain injuries, other diseases, reactions to drugs or chemical exposure and congenital anosmia.

The World Taste & Smell Association, a non-profit 501c3 association was founded during the pandemic to amplify the significance of our senses of taste and smell and support innovators, creators, scientists, and individuals navigating taste and smell impairments. Anchored by World Taste & Smell Day (annually on September 14), the #DeliciousForAll Culinary Challenge, and a tapestry of events and educational initiatives, the volunteer-fueled organization strives to elevate, champion, and foster innovation within the realm of taste and smell, uniting communities worldwide.

Official Website:
Twitter: @taste_smell_day
Instagram: @WorldTasteSmellDay
#TasteandSmellDay #DeliciousForAll

Stephanie Feuer +1 917 658 0112
Mindy Yang +1 917 715 3321

World Taste & Smell Association



Stephanie Feuer

Writer, marketer, anosmic. Words: The New York Times, Slate, NBC News THINK, Narratively & more. DRAWING AMANDA (HipsoMedia, 2014). Feminist AF. #Binders.